Request Materials
You need high quality information and the library is here to provide it.
This includes connecting you with resources already in the collection, as well as borrowing items from other libraries and purchasing materials that you suggest.
- Request Library Materials
If an item in is checked out or you don't want to bother fetching it from the shelf, sign in and press the "Request This" button in the Primo record. We'll put the item on hold and send you an email when it is ready to pick up at the Circulation Desk in the library.
- Streaming Video
If you use streaming video in your classes, let us know by completing this form:
If you would like to show a library-owned DVD during face-to-face class time, fill out the . Please allow 15–30 days for the library to acquire and process a video request for classroom use.
- MeLCat Requesting
is a catalog of books, DVDs, and audio recordings from Michigan libraries. Place your request online and pick up the material at Van Wylen Library. MeL items are typically delivered faster than Interlibrary Loan and arrive within 1-2 weeks.
- Interlibrary Loan
With Interlibrary Loan (ILL), you can borrow items not owned by Van Wylen Library. Before requesting anything through ILL, make sure to check our and . MeLCat is a statewide lending service that typically sends items faster than traditional ILL does.
- Suggest a Purchase
Feel free to recommend books, films, music, databases or other items for our permanent collection. We are committed to providing supportive materials for all areas of study.
- Suggest a Journal Subscription
Recommend a print or electronic journal for Van Wylen Library.
- Citation Lookup
is a tool that helps you find the full text of an article when all you have is a DOI, PubMed identifier or citation (article title, author, journal name, etc.). Citation Linker can tell you if the article is available online, in print at the library, or if you need to request it via Interlibrary Loan.